Q. How do I apply for a grant?
A. Currently, you must email us at owenothingnonprofit@gmail.com to receive and complete the questionnaire document. The document is designed for us to know and understand more information about your current status and why you need the OWE NOTHING Grant. Each question will need to be thoroughly completed. The questionnarie must be sent back by the monthly deadline of the 28th of each month. Monthly grants will be awarded on or before the following 15th date monthly from the date you initially applied.
Q. when is the grant deadline?
A. As previously stated, the monthly deadline for application submission is the 28th day of each month. The recipient of the grant will be selected and contacted by the following 15th date monthly (Example: Apply by February 28th, if you’ve received the grant you will hear from ON by March 15th for the February cycle of applications). If you have not received a notification that you were awarded a grant, feel free to reapply for the following month that you originally submitted.
Q. Is there a minimum or maximum debt amount that qualifies or denies my consideration for receiving a grant?
A. No.
Q. How fast will the grant be funded?
A. After receiving the financial details for which student loan the grant will be applied toward, the recipient will receive the grant amount within 7 business days. The recipient will need to send a payment receipt to OWE NOTHING immediately after payment demonstrating that the amount has been funded toward the student loan.